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Kids learn best by doing! Sixty creative, innovative, teacher-proven and user-friendly activities which will influence student behavior and attitudes for a lifetime. These activities cover topics such as alcohol and drug prevention, communication, problem solving, working together, decision making, self esteem, character, goal setting, anger management, stress management, peer pressure, etc. These activities have worked successfully with inner city, suburban and rural kids whether they are at-risk or gifted students. The activities are designed for grades three through twelve. The activities require very little in the way of preparation and materials. You won't spend a lot of time getting them together or a lot of money buying supplies. Feedback from those who work with kids has been extremely positive and kids love participating because they are non-threatening, safe and most of all fun. You won't find any worksheets or word search papers in this book. It is full of activities that will get them engaged in their own learning process and will help them internalize the concept you are teaching. Use the activities as stand-alone modules or to add some spice to lesson plans you already teach. The activities have been helpful for those in the classroom, after-school programs, camps, church groups, scouts, mental health centers, counseling groups, etc. Each activity comes with the teaching concept explained, materials needed, activity described and suggested questions listed. Most of the activities are from 5 minutes to 30 minutes in length. Enjoy! Show More Show Less
Activities That Teach: Students Learn Best By Doing!