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Artificial Intelligence for Smarter Power Systems: Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks

Artificial Intelligence for Smarter Power Systems: Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks

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  • Marcelo Godoy Sim�es
  • Institution of Engineering & Technology
  • Hardcover
  • 9781839530005
  • -
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  • Technology & Engineering > Power Resources - Alternative & Renewable
  • English
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Book Description

The urgent need to reduce carbon emissions is leading to growing use of renewable electricity, particularly from wind and photovoltaics. However, the intermittent nature of these power sources presents challenges to power systems, which need to ensure high and consistent power quality. Going forward, power systems also need to be able to respond to changes in loads, for example from EV charging. Neither production nor load changes can be predicted precisely, and so there is a degree of uncertainty or fuzziness. One way to meet these challenges is to use a kind of artificial intelligence - fuzzy logic.

Fuzzy logic uses variables that may be any real number between 0 and 1, rather than either 0 or 1. It has obvious advantages when used for optimization of alternative and renewable energy systems. The parametric fuzzy algorithm is inherently adaptive because the coefficients can be altered to accommodate requirements and data availability.

This book will focus on the use of fuzzy logic and neural networks to control power grids and adapt them to changing requirements. Chapters cover fuzzy inference, fuzzy logic-based control, feedback and feedforward neural networks, competitive and associate neural networks, and applications of fuzzy logic, deep learning and big data in power electronics and systems.

Artificial Intelligence for Smarter Power Systems: Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks


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