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Barbed-Wire Imperialism: Britain's Empire of Camps, 1876-1903 Volume 12

Barbed-Wire Imperialism: Britain's Empire of Camps, 1876-1903 Volume 12

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  • Aidan Forth
  • University of California Press
  • Paperback
  • 9780520293977
  • 8.8 X 6 X 0.9 inches
  • 1.2 pounds
  • History > Europe - Great Britain - Victorian Era (1837-1901)
  • English
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Book Description

Camps are emblems of the modern world, but they first appeared under the imperial tutelage of Victorian Britain. Comparative and transnational in scope, Barbed-Wire Imperialism situates the concentration and refugee camps of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) within longer traditions of controlling the urban poor in metropolitan Britain and managing suspect populations in the empire. Workhouses and prisons, along with criminal tribe settlements and enclosures for the millions of Indians displaced by famine and plague in the late nineteenth century, offered early prototypes for mass encampment. Venues of great human suffering, British camps were artifacts of liberal empire that inspired and legitimized the practices of future regimes.
Barbed-Wire Imperialism: Britain's Empire of Camps, 1876-1903 Volume 12

Author Bio

Aidan Forth’s teaching and research explore European empires as venues of violence and warfare; humanitarian intervention; and the rich cross-fertilization of cultures, identities and ideas that have shaped the modern world. His prize-winning first book Barbed-Wire Imperialism: Britain’s Empire of Camps, 1876-1903 reveals a global but hitherto unexplored network of refugee and concentration camps established by Britain in the late nineteenth century. 

Based on archival research on four different continents, Barbed-Wire Imperialism pioneered an interdisciplinary, comparative and transnational approach to trace a genealogy of the camp as an institution deeply embedded in the politics and culture of the Euro-American world.

As barbed-wire camps proliferate in our own era, from the US-Mexican border to the global south, Dr. Forth is now writing a new classroom-oriented volume titled Camps: Mass Confinement in the Modern World for the University of Toronto Press. He is also conducting preliminary research for a new monograph titled The Passage East, which examines the technologies and ideologies of migration and cross-cultural interaction as they developed globally in the long nineteenth century.

Whether in the classroom, the archives or at conferences and public talks, Dr. Forth prizes the contributions of students to his evolving interests: he hopes to instill in them his own passion for history, and he fully expects that his classroom interactions at MacEwan will enrich his own understanding of the past.

Prior to coming to MacEwan, Dr. Forth was a teaching fellow at Stanford University and an Associate Professor at Loyola University, Chicago.



Source: MacEwan University 



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