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Church Accounting: The How-To Guide for Small & Growing Churches

Church Accounting: The How-To Guide for Small & Growing Churches

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  • Lisa London
  • Deep River Press Inc.
  • Paperback
  • 9780991163533
  • 10 X 7 X 0.44 inches
  • 0.82 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Nonprofit Organizations & Charities - Finance & Accounting
  • English
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Book Description

Accounting for churches is not the same as accounting for businesses. A church bookkeeper must be aware of the special tax codes that govern the church's unique tax standing. But it is often hard for overworked or volunteer administrators to know every aspect of tax code that affects their church's ability to accept donations, oversee a benevolence fund, file church payroll, and offer a compensation package for their minister.

Lisa London, The Accountant Beside You who brought you QuickBooks for Churches & QuickBooks for Nonprofits, explains the specialized needs of church accounting in an easy-to-understand manner for church administrators and volunteers. A CPA with decades of experience working with businesses as well as churches and other nonprofits, Lisa explains complex concepts in a reader-friendly, engaging manner. She is joined by Vickey Boatright, an accountant who runs THE online site for free church accounting, www.freechurchaccounting.com. Together, Lisa and Vickey guide you through every essential aspect of church bookkeeping, including the specifics of small church accounting. Joining them is Terressa Pierce of freechurchforms.com as she steps the reader through how to organize the church office.

Church Accounting: The How-To Guide for Small & Growing Churches is a must-have reference for all the nuts and bolts of church accounting no matter what your accounting system. Lisa and Vickey help you set up accounting spreadsheets and explain the different types of accounting packages. If you are already using QuickBooks, it is also a perfect compliment to QuickBooks for Churches and Other Religious Organizations.

Additionally, The Accountant Beside You will show you how to:

  • calculate and file employee payroll without paying for an outside service
  • design and implement a compensation package for your minister, including a housing allowance
  • set up and administer a benevolence fund
  • track church contributions
  • acknowledge donations per IRS guidelines, including vehicle donations
  • prepare for an annual audit
  • budget and forecast to provide for future church growth
  • reimburse employees' expenses per IRS guidelines
  • set up proper internal controls to guard against fraud or error
  • implement the basic steps of starting a church

The Accountant Beside You series of accounting books for churches and nonprofits have been sold in all 50 states and every inhabitable continent. Besides the detailed, step-by-step instructions provided in the guides, both ebook and print, Lisa London offers supplemental and often free information online at www.accountantbesideyou.com and through her popular YouTube videos and webinars. Church accounting will be less worrisome with The Accountant Beside You every step of the way.

Church Accounting: The How-To Guide for Small & Growing Churches


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