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This book contains more than 100 exercises for learning how to program programmable logic controllers (PLCs). At the same time, the exercises provide knowledge of how equipment, machines and small plants can be automated. There are exercises at beginner level with logic, counters, and timers. Then there are exercises with ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, as well as exercises with mathematics, functions, function blocks, program design, sorting, FIFO, and data collection. Some exercises include selecting sensors, sequence techniques, manual/automatic operation, and data communication to a robot, frequency converter, or vision camera. The exercises start with easy ones and get harder as you go along. You can begin with simple exercises and gradually move on to more challenging ones that require a range of methods and programming skills. The exercises are based on relevant, real-world automation problems. The exercises can be solved in all types of PLCs, regardless of brand, hardware, or model. There are enough exercises for at least 400 hours of homework! The book is designed for use in educational programs or training that include PLC programming, such as automation technician, electrician, automation engineer, or mechatronics engineer. Of course, the exercises can also be used for other educational programs that teach basic programming or automation. The author is an experienced engineer and senior lecturer with over 30 years of experience in software development. He has been teaching PLC programming at the Dania Academy in Denmark for more than seven years.
Collection of Exercises for PLC Programming: 100 programming exercises from beginner to expert level