Concentrated Investing:Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors
Book Summary
For decades investors have been told to diversify among a large number of holdings because financial markets are inherently fragile and volatile. However, many value investors have amassed large amounts of wealth by simply ignoring this principle and keeping their focus on what they know well and hold for longer periods of time.
Concentrated Investing, which follows a few well-known investors along with some less prominent names, offers an inside view of the practices that these investors invariably share, as well as their temperament and discipline.
Authors Benello, van Biema and Carlisle provide a road map in a book that is easy to understand and richly detailed with relevant examples and clear explanations.
Many of the investment principles highlighted in the book are easy to comprehend and not that hard to follow as long as investors are willing to be disciplined in behavior, prepared to do rigorous analysis and focus on fewer companies that they truly understand.