
Key Metrics
- Christopher Rapuano
- Paperback
- 9781496366818
- 9 X 6 X 0.7 inches
- 1.67 pounds
- Medical > Ophthalmology
- English

Book Description
The updated Cornea volume includes:
- Guidelines for the differential diagnosis and treatment of cornea diseases as seen by the ophthalmic resident, general ophthalmologist, and cornea specialist.
- New information on infections and new complications of corneal surgeries.
- More than 450 high-quality photographs of important corneal, anterior segment, and external diseases, many new and updated for this 3rd edition.
- Up-to-date coverage of the clinical features of key cornea and external eye diseases, diagnostic tests, differential diagnoses, and treatment.
- In addition, there are over 430 NEW images available on-line to augment the photographs in the text
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