- HarperCollins Espanol
Cuba Libre ¡Cuba Libre! (Spanish Edition): El Che, Fidel Y La Improbable Revolución Que Cambió La Historia del Mundo
Key Metrics
- Tony Perrottet
- HarperCollins Espanol
- Paperback
- 9781418597818
- 8 X 5.3 X 1.3 inches
- 0.85 pounds
- History > Caribbean & West Indies - Cuba
- English
Book Description
La mayor�a de la gente est� familiarizada con los elementos b�sicos de la Revoluci�n cubana de 1956 a 1958. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre la naturaleza improvisada del boyante movimiento, ni de las vidas de sus protagonistas. En esta entretenida y meticulosa investigaci�n, el historiador y escritor de viajes Tony Perrottet desentra�a la odisea detr�s de la m�s incre�ble revoluci�n del mundo: la historia de como un pu�ado de j�venes desali�ados y revolucionarios autodidactas vencieron a cuarenta mil soldados veteranos para derrocar al r�gimen del dictador Fulgencio Batista.
�CUBA LIBRE! se sumerge en las profundidades de la Revoluci�n, revela detalles fascinantes y descubre al movimiento que captur� la imaginaci�n del mundo gracias a su naturaleza dram�tica, su temeraria valent�a, su car�cter tr�gico y, en ocasiones, su alta comicidad.
�Tony Perrottet sabe c�mo contar una historia �y qu� historia es esta! En �CUBA LIBRE! [...] ha escrito un relato fabuloso de uno de los sucesos mas improbables, rom�nticos y asombrosos del siglo xx�. --Chris Ryan, autor del bestseller Sex at Dawn y Civilized del New York Times
��Una lectura atractiva, divertida y r�pida, y profundamente documental! �CUBA LIBRE! trastoca la mitolog�a de la Revoluci�n cubana y descubre dimensiones genuinamente �picas de la isla y su historia�. --Patrick Symmes, autor de Chasing Che y The Boys from Dolores
TONY PERROTTET es autor de cinco libros: Off the Deep End, Pagan Holiday, The Naked Olympics: 2500 a�os de historia al desnudo y The Sinners Grand Tour. Sus relatos de viajes se han traducido a una docena de idiomas y han aparecido en diversas antolog�as, adem�s de haber sido seleccionados en siete o m�s ocasiones para el premio Best American Travel Writing. Aparece con regularidad como invitado en programas de televisi�n de The History Channel y colabora en la revista Smithsonian. Vive en Nueva York.
Author Bio
The need for perpetual motion has always been Tony Perrottet's most obvious personality disorder. While studying history at Sydney University, the Australian-born Perrottet regularly disappeared hitch-hiking through the Outback, sailing the coast of Sumatra or traveling through rural India (enjoying a brief and inglorious career as a film extra in Rajasthan).
After graduation, he moved to South America to work as a "roving correspondent," where he covered the Shining Path war in Peru, drug running in Colombia and several military rebellions in Argentina. A brief visit to Manhattan fifteen years ago convinced him that New York was the ideal place for a rootless wanderer to be based. From his current home in the East Village of Manhattan, he has continued to commute to Iceland, Tierra del Fuego, Beijing, Tasmania and Zanzibar, while contributing to international publications including Smithsonian Magazine (where he is a Contributing Writer), the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal Magazine, Condé Nast Traveler, Esquire, Outside, Afar and the London Sunday Times.
Perrottet is the author of six books — a collection of travel stories, Off the Deep End: Travels in Forgotten Frontiers (1997); Pagan Holiday: On the Trail of Ancient Roman Tourists (2002); The Naked Olympics: The True Story of the Greek Games (2004); Napoleon's Privates: 2500 Years of History Unzipped (2008); The Sinner's Grand Tour: A Journey Through the Historical Underbelly of Europe (2012); and most recently, ¡Cuba Libre!: Che, Fidel and the Improbable Revolution that Changed World History (2019).
His travel stories have been translated into a dozen languages and widely anthologized, having been selected seven times for the Best American Travel Writing series. He is also a regular television guest on the History Channel, where he has spoken about everything from the Crusades to the birth of disco.
Source: tonyperrottet.com
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