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Embracing Birth: Wholistic Childbirth Education: How to Distinguish Between Birth and the Man-Made Baby Delivery System(TM)

Embracing Birth: Wholistic Childbirth Education: How to Distinguish Between Birth and the Man-Made Baby Delivery System(TM)

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  • Angela Taylor
  • Independently Published
  • Paperback
  • 9798651704996
  • 11.02 X 8.5 X 0.59 inches
  • 1.45 pounds
  • Self-Help > General
  • English
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Book Description

Embracing Birth: Wholistic Childbirth Education is a home study course. It teaches the reader how to distinguish between birth and the man-made baby delivery system(TM) of care. The W in Wholistic is intentional. It is to remind us that Wholistic care is about the WHOLE person. Healthy mother, healthy baby may be the current mantra however when the mother walks away from the birth of her tiny human feeling broken and violated, she is not healthy.This book is written for EVERYONE....the expectant couple, their friends and family, their doctor, midwife, doula, birth photographer, etc. HOWEVER it speaks to the birthing woman. Also, while babies are either male or female, I will only refer to your baby as he because mother is always she.We've moved so far away from what birth really is that I'm afraid if we don't start to break down and get rid of the old man-made baby delivery system(TM), more mothers and babies will be traumatized and/or die and birth will continue to be blamed and seen as dangerous. Using This BookThis is not just a book to read through. It is also a workbook for you to work through. Embracing Birth(TM) wholistic childbirth education is - at it's core - a home study childbirth education course. Have a writing utensil handy so you can take notes as you read and go through the assignments. I'm pushing you to take responsibility. This isn't going to be easy-peasy and it is designed to get you thinking and asking hard questions. Not all of the workbook assignment answers are found within the book pages. Some of the answers you're going to have to search for and it's definitely worth your time because the human being inside you is depending upon you.Words MatterOne last thing, I do not nor will I ever refer to birth as a delivery because this is an inaccurate term. Women do not deliver babies. Women birth babies. The man-made baby delivery system(TM) is where women deliver babies into someone else's hands so that person can hand the baby to the mother. In the man-made baby delivery system(TM), that person is often times referred to as the care provider and seen as the safety mechanism for birth. Meaning that their presence is what makes birth safe and this is not the truth. Birth does not need a middle-man (or woman) in order to be safe.Birth was designed to be safe. It is when someone interferes with birth that things become risky. This means inducing, augmenting, managing, allowing, etc are all part of interfering with birth. This does not mean that it's never necessary to intervene during birth. Interventions, such as cesarean surgery, do save lives. Sadly, most interventions are used inappropriately and this will be discussed further in this book.
Embracing Birth: Wholistic Childbirth Education: How to Distinguish Between Birth and the Man-Made Baby Delivery System(TM)


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