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Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Making of an Imperial Republic (Updated and Expanded Edition)

Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Making of an Imperial Republic (Updated and Expanded Edition)

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  • Greg Grandin
  • Picador USA
  • Paperback
  • 9781250753298
  • 7.9 X 5.3 X 1 inches
  • 0.7 pounds
  • History > United States - 20th Century
  • English
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Book Description

A pathbreaking work about how policies forged in blood and fire in Latin America were then exported to every corner of the globe. This brilliant and up-to-the-minute new edition is absolutely crucial to understanding our perilous present. --Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine

The classic analysis of Latin America's role as proving ground for imperial US strategies and tactics, now in a thoroughly updated and revised edition

Examining over a century of US intervention in Latin America, acclaimed historian Greg Grandin reveals how the region has long served as a laboratory for US foreign policy, providing generations of Washington policy makers with an opportunity to rehearse a broad range of diplomatic and military tactics--tactics that then were applied elsewhere in the world as the US became a global superpower. During the Great Depression, for instance, FDR's Good Neighbor policy taught the United States to use soft power effectively and provided a blueprint for its postwar empire by invitation. In the 1980s, Reagan likewise turned to Latin America, but now to rehabilitate hard power after the debacle of Vietnam, putting the United States on the road to its current crisis: endless, forever wars.

This completely revised edition includes new information on the US invasion of Panama, US interventions in Cuba, Guatemala, and Chile, Plan Colombia and the War on Drugs, the Obama administration's involvement in the 2009 coup in Honduras, and the current crisis at the US-Mexico border, caused by decades of misguided Washington policies. Most provocatively, Grandin argues that the origins of many of the current threats to American democracy--disinformation, permanent surveillance, political extremism and out-of-control militarism--were foreshadowed in the United States' Central American policy.

Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Making of an Imperial Republic (Updated and Expanded Edition)

Author Bio

Greg Grandin, who received his doctorate at Yale University under the direction of Emilia Viotti da Costa and Gilbert Joseph, previously taught at New York University for nineteen years.  

He is the author of seven books, including The Blood of Guatemala, which won the Latin American Studies Association’s Bryce Wood Award for best book published on Latin America in any discipline, The Last Colonial Massacre, Empire’s Workshop, Fordlandia, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Award, The Empire of Necessity, which won the Bancroft and Beveridge awards in American history, Kissinger’s Shadow, and The End of the Myth, which won the Pulitzer Prize for general non-fiction and was a finalist in the history category.  

Grandin is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Society of American Historians.  He has co-edited, with Gil Joseph, A Century of Revolution, and, with Deborah Levenson and Elizabeth Oglesby, The Guatemala Reader.  Grandin has published widely, in The Nation, where he is a member of the editorial board,the London Review of Books, the New Republic, NACLA’s Report on the Americas, and the New York Times, among other venues.  

He is a regular guest on Democracy Now!  A revised edition of Empire’s Workshop is forthcoming. 


Source: Yale University 



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