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Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers

Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers

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  • Karen Berman
  • Harvard Business Review Press
  • Paperback
  • 9781422119136
  • 9.2 X 6.1 X 0.9 inches
  • 0.88 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Human Resources & Personnel Management
  • English
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Book Description

As an HR manager, you're expected to use financial data to make decisions, allocate resources, and budget expenses. But if you're like many human resource practitioners, you may feel uncertain or uncomfortable incorporating financials into your day-to-day work.

Using the groundbreaking formula they introduced in their book Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean, Karen Berman and Joe Knight present the essentials of finance specifically for HR experts.

Drawing on their work training tens of thousands of managers and employees at leading organizations worldwide, the authors provide a deep understanding of the basics of financial management and measurement, along with hands-on activities to practice what you are reading. You'll discover:

- Why the assumptions behind financial data matter
- What your company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement really reveal
- Which financials may be needed when you're developing a human capital strategy
- How to calculate return on investment
- Ways to use financial information to better support your business units and do your own job
- How to instill financial intelligence throughout your team

Authoritative and accessible, Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals, empowers you to talk numbers confidently with your boss, colleagues, and direct reports -- and understand how the financials impact your part of the business.

Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals: What You Really Need to Know about the Numbers

Author Bio

Karen Berman was a sought-after expert in the fields of business and financial literacy. Clients praised her ability to understand their business and develop meaningful and engaging programs.

Prior to founding the Business Literacy Institute, Karen was a consultant and held various management positions in the banking, investment, healthcare, and graphic arts industries.

Karen wrote and spoke nationally about business literacy. She coauthored Financial Intelligence (Harvard Business Review), a smart, no-nonsense business finance handbook for managers. As a result of the success of the Financial Intelligence book, Karen coauthored the Financial Intelligence series of books and a comic book under the same title.

Karen received a master’s and doctorate in organizational psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology and a bachelor’s of science degree in managerial economics with a minor in psychology from the University of California at Davis.


Source: business-literacy.com



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