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God, Are You for Real?

God, Are You for Real?

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  • David Bateman
  • Xulon Press
  • Paperback
  • 9781545678916
  • 9.02 X 5.98 X 0.48 inches
  • 0.68 pounds
  • Religion > Biblical Studies - General
  • English
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Book Description

Is God for real? Is there a God? If so, what is God like?

What is God's nature and character? Is God a spiritual being?

Is God religious? Is there a Heaven and Hell?

Does God care about you and the human race?

Today, over 40% of Gen Y and Z youth claim they have no particular faith and classify themselves on surveys as religious nones. Millennials are questioning God, creationism, spirituality, eternal life and spiritual and temporal relationships more than ever. Their inquiry into God, the purpose of this life and the reasons we exist are sincere. They are searching in earnest for honest answers. Parents, spiritual leaders, pastors, teachers and authors are now tasked to answer these questions in an honest and straight forward manner.

This book addresses the lead six questions raised by our younger generations: 1) I question much of religious teaching and I just don't believe in God, 2) There is no scientific, or other evidence of God, 3) Science, common sense and reason give me all the answers and are incompatible with religion, 4) I can learn all I need to know about God and creation on my own without religion, and 5) I don't like formalized and hierarchical religion and religious leaders, and 6) Religion is not relevant to my life.

In the end, I am hopeful that our youth will be open to the Christian faith as their spiritual home. God is waiting for you!

Dave Bateman, a special friend of nearly two decades, and fellow YWAM'er, has a wealth of experience as a retired US Air Force officer, an international lawyer out of Washington DC, and a legal practitioner in California and Washington State. In 2005 he retired into the life of a Kona coffee farmer and real estate agent specializing in selling and developing coffee farms. To top it off, he entered into the life of a missionary with YWAM. He brings several worlds of experience into his book, God Are You For Real? This book will enrich your life. Read, apply and be blest!

Loren Cunningham, Founder, Youth with a Mission

God, Are You for Real?

Author Bio

David Bateman is an Associate Professor of Government. His research focuses broadly on democratic institutions, including legislatures and political rights, and as well as on ideas and ideologies of democracy, race, and racism. He has published articles in Studies in American Political Development, the American Journal of Political Science, Public Choice, Perspectives on Politics, and The Forum. 

His co-authored book, Southern Nation: Congress and White Supremacy after Reconstruction, examines the role of southern members of Congress in shaping national policy from the end of Reconstruction until the New Deal. His second book, Disenfranchising Democracy: Constructing the Electorate in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, examines the concurrent expansion of political rights alongside mass disenfranchisement in these three countries. He is currently researching Black political and labor organizing in the early 20th century and its impact on US state-building and ideologies.



Source: Cornell University 



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