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How to Give Employees Performance Feedback & Resolve the Resistance You Know You're Going to Get!

How to Give Employees Performance Feedback & Resolve the Resistance You Know You're Going to Get!

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  • Ross Blake
  • Ross Blake Associates, Inc.
  • Paperback
  • 9780615501840
  • 11 X 8.5 X 0.22 inches
  • 0.58 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Human Resources & Personnel Management
  • English
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Book Description

How to Give Employees Performance Feedback & Resolve the Resistance You Know You're Going to Get! Reviews

Based on solid experience, not theories, these practical skills resolve simple and complex feedback situations at all levels of the organization, and are about as easy-to-read and learn from as possible. -Julie O'Mara, President, O'Mara and Associates; Past National President, American Society for Training & Development; Author and Consultant

Offers many skills and tips to help managers help employees improve their performance...the book suggests several ways to deepen trust and respect in the workplace. -Daniel H. Pink, Author of Drive and A Whole New Mind

A highly positive approach for giving employees feedback without creating defensiveness or resentment, especially for performance issues or work behaviors that can't wait until performance reviews are conducted. -Jesse Gugino, Director of Continuing Education, State University of New York at Jamestown Product Description

A how-to-manual for supervisors, managers, and HR professionals of easy-to-learn performance feedback skills typically not found in other resources.

Detailed skills include the following.

Giving employees feedback to correct everyday situations, such as not following procedures, surfing the internet during work hours, or spreading negative gossip, etc.

Using the core feedback skill necessary for all types of performance appraisal.

Giving feedback the way employees want to receive it so they're more likely to cooperate.

Resolving employee resistance to feedback.

Creating feedback agreements with employees in advance to avoid arguments.

Resolving situations where employees agree to improve their performance and don't.

Practical skills based on input and results from thousands of seminar participants and their direct reports, not theories.

Managers will improve employee performance and develop far more collaborative and productive work relationships with their employees using these skills. Author

Ross Blake is a senior level trainer, a consultant, and speaker. For over 20 years, through seminars, coaching, and consulting projects, he's helped thousands of team leaders, supervisors, managers, HR professionals, and business owners improve their feedback and communication skills in order to improve employee performance and manager-employee work relationships. His clients include Fortune 500 and small to mid-size organizations.

Supervisors and managers in all types of workplaces can learn how to turn negative performance and behaviors at the time they occur into positive, win-win outcomes with these simple, straightforward and easy-to-learn skills.-Linda Hepp, Human Resources Manager (Retired), Alcoa, Inc.

If only I'd had this book 20 years ago! It would have saved me and my employees countless hours of debilitating, counterproductive stress.-Ken Weber, President, Weber Asset Management

How to Give Employees Performance Feedback & Resolve the Resistance You Know You're Going to Get!


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