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Labor Markets in Latin America: Combining Social Protection with Market Flexibility

Labor Markets in Latin America: Combining Social Protection with Market Flexibility

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  • Sebastian Edwards
  • Brookings Institution Press
  • Paperback
  • 9780815721079
  • 9.01 X 6.02 X 0.96 inches
  • 1.01 pounds
  • Political Science > Labor & Industrial Relations
  • English
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Book Description

Many of the rules that govern labor markets in Latin America (and elsewhere) raise labor costs, create barriers to entry, and introduce rigidities in the employment structure. These include the exceedingly restrictive regulations on hiring and firing practices, as well as burdensome social insurance schemes. Such labor market regulations contribute to an over-expansion of precarious forms of employment and to rural poverty, and hinder countries from responding rapidly to new challenges from increased foreign competition.

At the same time, other norms can reduce costs and raise productivity; they should be kept in place and their enforcement improved. For example, some occupational health and safety standards lower medical costs and save lives. One may also want to keep legislation aimed at providing a minimum social insurance for unemployment, old age, sickness, and disabilities.

In practice, the most common decision that governments confront is not whether to intervene but to choose among different forms of intervention. This volume provides analysts and policymakers with useful insights on this issue. Part I addresses labor market institutions in a broader context, such as collective bargaining arrangements, minimum wages and poverty, and optimal unemployment insurance schemes. Part II analyzes labor market performance in Latin America, the links between performance and labor market regulations, and the status of labor market reform in the region. These questions are addressed for the region as a whole and in great detail for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia. The book provides a comprehensive description of the existing labor institutions in Latin America, the problems they pose, and the trends in labor market reforms as well as the difficulties encountered by the reform process in specific cases.

In addition to the editors, the contributors are Edward Amadeo, Jose Marcio Camargo, Alejandra Cox Edwards, Rene Cortazar, Enrique Davila, Marta Lus Henao, Eduardo Lora, Hugo Hopenhayn, Darryl McLeod, Juan Pablo Nicolini, John Pencavel, and Carola Pessino.

Labor Markets in Latin America: Combining Social Protection with Market Flexibility

Author Bio

Sebastian Edwards is the Henry Ford II Professor of International Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the Co-Director of the National Bureau of Economic Research's "Africa Project" and previously served as the Chief Economist for Latin America at the World Bank. 

His research interests include emerging markets, currency crises, capital markets, Latin America, monetary policy, and the Federal Reserve.


  • University of Chicago Ph.D. (Economics), 1981
  • University of Chicago M.A. (Economics), 1978
  • Universidad Catolica, Chile, Licenciado Economia, 1975, Ingeniero Comercial, 1975 



Source: Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA



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