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Land of Dreams: A Reporter's Journey from Sweden to America

Land of Dreams: A Reporter's Journey from Sweden to America

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  • Klas Bergman
  • Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Paperback
  • 9781492809814
  • 9.02 X 5.98 X 0.61 inches
  • 0.86 pounds
  • History > United States - 21st Century
  • English
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Book Description

Land of Dreams - A Reporter's Journey from Sweden to America is a personal and political retrospective on my many years in the United States, from my arrival in Los Angeles in June 1960 to today's Washington, DC, with the country's first African-American president, Barack Obama, in the White House. This personal portrait of America draws from meetings, interviews, books, and much travel, both for work and pleasure, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and back again. It's the result of a boyhood dream about America growing up in Stockholm, Sweden in the 1950s that was impossible to resist and that became reality when I arrived as a young immigrant and student in California. I came to Los Angeles the summer when John F. Kennedy became the presidential nominee at the Democratic Convention in that city. Those years in the first half of the 1960s, dominated by the civil rights movement and the escalation of the Vietnam War, resulted in my political awakening. Little did I know at the time what was to follow during the subsequent decades, but my dream of America has mirrored these years. America is still exciting, full of hope. It constantly surprises and impresses with its openness, optimism, idealism, and energy. But there is also much that is difficult to understand and difficult to accept about America. Many non-Americans think they know America and that it's like Sweden and Europe. America is more difficult to know and understand than many believe. It is so big and there are many Americas. Which America? Today, the country is characterized by political polarization and paralysis and by growing economic inequality. The old belief in consensus and compromise has all but vanished. Where is America heading? Still, the American Dream is ever present, and we who have come here from other nations share that dream.
Land of Dreams: A Reporter's Journey from Sweden to America

Author Bio

I am a journalist and author, and also a former communications manager, born in Stockholm, Sweden, with America as my home after my student years in California in the 1960s.

As a journalist, I have reported from Europe, the Middle East, Central America, Canada, and the United States, primarily for the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter and the Christian Science Monitor. 

As an author, my third book, Scandinavians in the State House — How Nordic Immigrants Shaped Minnesota Politics, was published in April 2017 by Minnesota Historical Society Press. Prior to that, Tredje bordet från höger – över gränser i Östeuropa, about my years in former Yugoslavia and communist Eastern Europe, was published in Sweden in 1981. It was followed in 2012 by Amerika – drömmarnas land, with an English and updated version titled, Land of Dreams: A Reporter’s Journey from Sweden to America, published in the United States in 2013.

As an international communications and public relations manager, my experience includes the World Bank, the United Nations, and Stanford University.



Source: klasbergman.com



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