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Liver Congestion Causes Chronic Fatigue

Liver Congestion Causes Chronic Fatigue

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  • Patrick Kimuyu
  • Grin Publishing
  • Paperback
  • 9783668576650
  • 10 X 7.01 X 0.05 inches
  • 0.13 pounds
  • Medical > General
  • English
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Essay from the year 2017 in the subject Medicine - Public Health, grade: 1, Egerton University, language: English, abstract: Liver congestion is becoming an epidemic condition whose health consequences seem to be unbearable. Currently, humans are living in toxic environments, especially with regard to dietary sources, which are coupled with unhealthy lifestyle. Liver is involved in disease conditions to restore normal cellular activity. Therefore, any impairment of the liver functions leads to detrimental outcomes although direct symptoms are not manifested at the onset of the liver dysfunctions. This situation is worsened by the complexity of liver diagnosis. In most cases, liver problems are not easily detectable with routine diagnosis procedures. There are several principal causes of liver congestion. First, liver congestion may be caused by toxins accumulation in the liver leading to overload which means that the liver is unable to clear toxins from the body. From a physiological perspective, excessive intake of noxious substances in the blood circulation causes physiological imbalances of various components including PH and nutrients availability for the cells. In addition, diet causes liver toxicity when it contains numerous food additives and dietary toxins, primarily iron, which is contained in most processed foods such as white bread. These additives facilitate crystallization in the liver cells which, in turn leads to formation of salt deposits in the bile stream. Chronic fatigue syndrome is worsened by liver congestion because hormonal imbalances serve as some of the most principal contributors to the occurrence of CFS. Therefore, one of the most reliable approaches of managing CFS is through the enhancement of the liver function.On the other hand, stress serves as a trigger and an ongoing feeder of physiological imbalances; thus, it contributes to liver congestion and chronic fatigue. There are several approaches of addressing liver congestion includ
Liver Congestion Causes Chronic Fatigue


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