Merav Shohet
Dr. Merav Shohet is a cultural anthropologist whose specializations in psychological, medical, and linguistic anthropology lead to ethnographically grounded, comparative, language-centered research on affect, morality, and health. In both Vietnam and North America, she focuses on the subjective, emotional lives of specific persons to illuminate how discursive practices – and the socio-historical and political-economic transformations of which they are a part – mediate individuals’ experiences of moral personhood and lived possibilities in extra-clinical contexts of care-giving, suffering and recovery.
Dr. Shohet is currently completing a book manuscript, Sustaining Sacrifice, where she draws on person-centered and language socialization research among multi-generational families in central Vietnam to theorize how “sacrifice” works as a complex meta-value guiding everyday moral practice that provides continuity and minimizes overt conflict in Vietnam’s rapidly changing socio-economic and biopolitical urbanizing context.
In addition, Dr. Shohet is returning to earlier eating disorders research in Boston, to investigate lifespan illness and recovery processes, particularly how discourses of food, economic development, and cross-cultural psychiatry insidiously figure in marginalized people’s lives. Finally, linking her sustained interests in narrative, sacrifice, and care, and the intersections of nationalist and familial ethics, Dr. Shohet is also exploring possibilities for additional research on kibbutz life or other settler communities in Israel/Palestine.
- PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
MA, University of California, Los Angeles
AB, Harvard University
Source: Boston University