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Have you been feeling flat lately......lost that creative spark? Thats your Mojo! The get up and go, has got up and gone! Well Ive found ways to gain it back and this book is my way of sharing that with you. So what is your mojo? Well in a nutshell it's that special magic within you that helps you create and get things done, the dictionary explains it like this - a quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy: He's definitely lost his mojo. He needs to get his mojo working if he's going to win the election. This book is for creatives but can be used by anyone wanting to get their mojo back, it does centre around creativity; its full of exercises with an art focus but don't panic, it doesn't mean you have to be great at drawing or even an artist at all. The idea is to take 10 minutes a day to do the task for that specified day and then forget about it. You can challenge yourself to the whole 100 days or just a week at a time. At the start of the book there is a list of what things you may need to complete all the tasks, feel free to look ahead but if you want to keep each day a surprise, read the list so you can be prepared in advance. There is no right or wrong way, what you produce is entirely up to you, its all about your interpretation and keeping it simple. I ask you spend 10 mins a day, if you want to do more then thats ok too; its for you and your mojo, do whatever it takes..... So lets get hunting!