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Options Trading: A Beginner's Guide- Basics and Tips

Options Trading: A Beginner's Guide- Basics and Tips

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  • Eric Williams
  • Independently Published
  • Paperback
  • 9781095848838
  • 9 X 6 X 0.24 inches
  • 0.36 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Investments & Securities - Options
  • English
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Book Description

Do you aspire to take an expensive course to learn to trade options? You should read this book first. It can save you a lot of money and time. The internet has totally revolutionized the way options trading is learned and executed. The online trading companies are now so advanced and competitive. They offer free and powerful software to attract new customers. The same software trading platforms and data used to be so expensive only the pros could afford them.This book takes you through the basics. It aims for individual investors who'll be trading online. The investors who yearn to pay the lowest commissions possible. The task of this book is to get you up and running. Then lead you through the basics to becoming an intermediate level trader.Technology, as it is now, makes learning options easy. What used to take weeks and months of study through hundreds of pages of probability statistics - is now done transparently by the online trading platforms - the free programs you get when you open a trading account. This book shows you exactly how to get all this and use it to learn options in the most modern and easy ways possible.Once you learn the language, the basic terms and concepts of options - you will be introduced to the most basic strategies. And quickly move on to a discussion on advanced trading to learn option spreads. You will discover how to match your equity market views and the important components of timing a trade with appropriate strategies.Learning online options trading is a bit of work for sure. But the rewards, profits, and satisfaction can last a lifetime. Working hard is not a guarantee of success; you also have to work smart. I will be your guide and show you the most modern and fastest techniques for learning to trade options. My goal is to have you become successful with trading online options.Every reader deserves to be lead straight to these lessons without excessive pep talks, and chatter of making easy money. Not three investors of a hundred understand and use option trading; it isn't for everyone. My job is to take you through the basics and speedily show you how to use spread trading and other advanced strategies. The strategies can keep you in your comfort zone while learning to harness and use some great trading techniques.This is a book for of all types of investors - from very conservative for retirement plans to strategies for the speculator. If you have already traded options, and haven't been making money with them - this might be one of the most important option books you will ever read.
Options Trading: A Beginner's Guide- Basics and Tips

Author Bio

Eric Williams, in full Eric Eustace Williams, (born Sept. 25, 1911, Port of Spain, Trinidad—died March 29, 1981, St. Anne, near Port of Spain), first and longtime prime minister of independent Trinidad and Tobago (1962–81), who founded (1956) the People’s National Movement (PNM) and led his country to independence.

Williams was educated at Queen’s Royal College, Port of Spain, and at the University of Oxford, from which he received a B.A. in 1932 and a D.Phil. in 1938, with studies in history and political science. In 1939 he went to the United States and joined the faculty of social and political science at Howard University. While he was at Howard, Williams became associated with the Caribbean Commission that was established by the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands in an effort to coordinate the economic development of the Caribbean area. His aggressive, commanding role in the commission, however, tended to alienate the national powers, especially the United States, and in 1955–56 he organized the PNM party, which won the 1956 general elections. He became chief minister in the country’s first party government, and, with the achievement of internal self-government in 1959, he served as premier. The PNM won the December 1961 elections by a landslide. Williams became prime minister of the colony and then of the new nation upon its achieving independence in August 1962. He made the country a republic in 1976.

As prime minister, Williams practiced what was called “pragmatic socialism,” which stressed social services, improved education, and economic development through the cautious attraction of foreign investment capital. The policy was fruitful in making Trinidad and Tobago the wealthiest Commonwealth Caribbean nation. He was successively reelected and served as prime minister until his death.

Williams was the author of a number of books, among which were The Negro in the Caribbean (1942), Capitalism and Slavery (1944), History of the People of Trinidad and Tobago (1962), British Historians and the West Indies (1964), Inward Hunger: The Education of a Prime Minister (1969), and From Columbus to Castro: The History of the Caribbean, 1492–1969 (1970).


Source: Britannica.com



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