Pilgrimage:My Search for the Real Pope Francis
Book Summary
2,000 year old religious institution Catholic Church has seen its share of trouble in the last two decades. Author Mark Shriver, the lifelong Catholic and the nephew of John F. Kennedy – America’s only Catholic president – found himself increasingly disconnected from the Church until the appointment of Pope Francis.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, born on December 17, 1936 rose to lead all Catholics from his humble beginnings in Argentina. Bergoglio, trained as a Jesuit teacher developed a special bond with the common man and cared for the poor as Argentina struggled with the economic first and political and military chaos that followed.
In an interview with Readara, Mark Shriver, explains how Pope Francis won over most Catholics with his sweetness and humility and restored his faith. Shriver delved into the early life experiences that helped shape Bergoglio and prepared to him to lead larger following.