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Featuring current print and digital content, engaging illustrations and photos, and accessible technology, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Essential Access resources spur critical thinking for paramedic students and provide a must-have reference for emergency physicians. Reviewed and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), the new edition's content meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Robust resources for educators and students deliver teaching and learning solutions to best fit classroom needs. What's new in the Sixth Edition: - Updated discussion of core EMS guidelines, including EMS Agenda 2050, the National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019, and the 2021 National EMS - Education Standards - Expanded discussion of paramedic well-being and mental health, including self-care, injury prevention, stress management, resilience, avoidance of compassion fatigue, and suicide prevention - Emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines - Updated descriptions and discussions of medications, including analgesics, sedative-hypnotics, push-dose drugs, and medications used in fibrinolytic therapy and the management of diabetes - Inclusion of special considerations for geriatric and pediatric patients - New insights on evolving topics, such as diagnostic testing methods and use of analgesics for abdominal pain - New guidance to ensure personal safety when responding to behavioral emergencies - Increased focus on cultural awareness, advice on avoiding implicit and explicit biases, and guidance on using gender-sensitive language Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition, with Navigate Essential Access includes the following resources: - Print textbook - Audiobook - Instructor Guide - Assessments - Learning Objectives - Slides - Lecture Outlines - Case Study Slides - Simulation Training Support and Scenarios document - Practice Activities
Sanders' Paramedic Textbook with Navigate Essentials Access