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Scandinavians in the State House: How Nordic Immigrants Shaped Minnesota Politics

Scandinavians in the State House: How Nordic Immigrants Shaped Minnesota Politics

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  • Klas Bergman
  • Minnesota Historical Society Press
  • Paperback
  • 9781681340302
  • 9 X 5.9 X 0.9 inches
  • 1 pounds
  • History > United States - State & Local - Midwest(IA,IL,IN,KS,MI,MN,MO,ND,NE,OH,SD,WI
  • English
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Book Description

Beginning in the 1850s, thousands of immigrants from Nordic countries settled in Minnesota and quickly established themselves in the political life of their new home. These Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Finns, and Icelanders first sowed their political seeds at the local level--as town clerks, city councilmen, county commissioners, sheriffs--and then broadened their sights to the state and national realm. Nordic immigrants served as governors, as Minnesota state senators and representatives, as U.S. congressmen, and as vice presidents of the United States. Many came to this country for political reasons and became radicals and activists in Minnesota. Others served as key leaders within the state's political parties.

In Scandinavians in the State House, Klas Bergman explores who these immigrant politicians were and what drove them to become civically involved so soon after arriving in Minnesota. Profiling the individuals and movements at the forefront of this political activity, at the state and local level, Bergman examines the diverse political philosophies of the immigrant communities and reveals the lasting legacy of Scandinavian politicians in the creation of modern Minnesota--from Nelson and Olson, to Andersen and Carlson, to Humphrey and Mondale.
Scandinavians in the State House: How Nordic Immigrants Shaped Minnesota Politics

Author Bio

I am a journalist and author, and also a former communications manager, born in Stockholm, Sweden, with America as my home after my student years in California in the 1960s.

As a journalist, I have reported from Europe, the Middle East, Central America, Canada, and the United States, primarily for the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter and the Christian Science Monitor. 

As an author, my third book, Scandinavians in the State House — How Nordic Immigrants Shaped Minnesota Politics, was published in April 2017 by Minnesota Historical Society Press. Prior to that, Tredje bordet från höger – över gränser i Östeuropa, about my years in former Yugoslavia and communist Eastern Europe, was published in Sweden in 1981. It was followed in 2012 by Amerika – drömmarnas land, with an English and updated version titled, Land of Dreams: A Reporter’s Journey from Sweden to America, published in the United States in 2013.

As an international communications and public relations manager, my experience includes the World Bank, the United Nations, and Stanford University.



Source: klasbergman.com



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