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Shale Boom: The Barnett Shale Play and Fort Worth

Shale Boom: The Barnett Shale Play and Fort Worth

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  • Diana Davids Hinton
  • Texas Christian University Press
  • Paperback
  • 9780875656854
  • 8.9 X 5.9 X 0.8 inches
  • 0.83 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Corporate & Business History - General
  • English
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Book Description

Shale Boom describes how independent oilman George P. Mitchell developed technology that would unlock trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in the North Texas rock formation known as the Barnett Shale. When he succeeded, other oilmen used it to uncover vast reserves, prompting a gas boom extending through twenty-one North Texas counties including the Fort Worth metropolitan area. The boom created enormous wealth, but brought drilling rigs into urban neighborhoods and created safety and environmental concerns, especially with respect to the fracking technology necessary to produce gas. As the new technology was adapted to develop shale in other areas, controversy over it became national and global. Overall, however, what happened in the Barnett Shale meant profound changes for the future of petroleum at home and abroad.
Shale Boom: The Barnett Shale Play and Fort Worth

Author Bio

Growing up on Long Island in New York, Diana Davids Hinton never thought much about oil drilling. “The closest we got to oil and gas was the local Exxon station,” she says.

But upon moving to the Midland-Odessa area in 1973, “I learned it sure wasn’t easy to do 19th-century British history in the middle of Texas,” said Hinton, who wrote her dissertation on the seventh Earl of Carlisle, a 19th-century Briton. So she made the natural move to study oil, and she found herself in the midst of one of the great boom-and-bust cycles of all time.

As a history professor at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, she has co-written two books on the colorful history of Texas oil. Another one on the Barnett Shale is under contract with TCU Press and, she hopes, will be out on the shelves in two years. Yet another project on Texas' post-World War II petroleum history is also in the works.

Diana Davids Hinton teaches at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin.


Source: The Texas Tribune 




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