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This study examines the coordination of the Joint Phase 0 shaping activities that take place as part of Central Command theater engagement. The focus is on horizontal synchronization across staff elements and vertical synchronization through service components. The monograph identifies the strategies required to develop and execute successful synchronization of theater engagement in the Central Command area of operations, using the four-phase land and maritime targeting cycle, also known as the D3A methodology. First, the study evaluates the three elements of theater engagement resident at the CENTCOM staff level: information engagement, theater security cooperation and interagency coordination. It further examines the information engagement sub-elements of information operations and strategic communications/public affairs. The monograph also evaluates the targeting support provided to each element of theater engagement. The monograph identifies where vertical synchronization is good and where horizontal synchronization is lacking. The study then evaluates the three elements of theater engagement resident in the service component commands of Air Force Central, Army Central, Marine Corps Forces Central, Navy Central and Special Operations Command Central. The monograph also evaluates the targeting support provided to each element of theater engagement in those service components. The monograph identifies where horizontal synchronization is good and where vertical synchronization is lacking. The study concludes with an action plan to enable Central Command to improve its effectiveness in synchronizing theater engagement activities, both horizontally and vertically, across its staff and through its service component commands. The monograph identifies the strategies to produce updated guidance, integrate disparate synchronizing bodies and fully support theater engagement through the joint operational targeting division. The monograph leverages the D3A methodology to st
Shaping the Middle East in an Era of Revolution: Synchronizing U.S. Central Command Theater Engagement