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Smart Girls: Success, School, and the Myth of Post-Feminism

Smart Girls: Success, School, and the Myth of Post-Feminism

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  • Shauna Pomerantz
  • University of California Press
  • Paperback
  • 9780520284159
  • 8.27 X 5.51 X 0.66 inches
  • 0.8 pounds
  • Social Science > Women's Studies
  • English
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Book Description

Are girls taking over the world? It would appear so, based on magazine covers, news headlines, and popular books touting girls' academic success. Girls are said to outperform boys in high school exams, university entrance and graduation rates, and professional certification. As a result, many in Western society assume that girls no longer need support. But in spite of the messages of post-feminism and neoliberal individualism that tell girls they can have it all, the reality is far more complicated. Smart Girls investigates how academically successful girls deal with stress, the supergirl drive for perfection, race and class issues, and the sexism that is still present in schools. Describing girls' varied everyday experiences, including negotiations of traditional gender norms, Shauna Pomerantz and Rebecca Raby show how teachers, administrators, parents, and media commentators can help smart girls thrive while working toward straight As and a bright future.
Smart Girls: Success, School, and the Myth of Post-Feminism

Author Bio

How do young people, technologies, social worlds, creative practices, and families interconnect to affect each other? My research addresses this question as my teen daughter and I explore the importance of social media, particularly TikTok, in the lives of children and youth. 

You can listen to us talk about it on CBC’s the Current, read my reflections on learning TikTok dances from my daughter during COVID-19 in the Globe and Mail, and check out our new book chapter, A TikTok Assemblage: Girlhood, Radical Media Engagement, and Parent-Child Generativity. We are currently working on new research titled Watching TikTok, Talking Feminism: Slipping the Confines of Adult-Child Hierarchies.

More generally, my research interests include media studies, youth studies, girlhood studies, popular culture, gender and education, intersectionality, social justice, qualitative inquiry, and feminist, poststructural, and posthuman theories. 

I am author of Girls, Style, and School Identities: Dressing the Part (Palgrave, 2008), co-author, with Dawn Currie and Deirdre Kelly, of Girl Power: Girls Reinventing Girlhoods (Peter Lang, 2009), and co-author, with Rebecca Raby, of Smart Girls: Success, School, and the Myth of Post-Feminism (University of California Press, 2017). When not working, I like listening to music, lifting weights, watching smart shows and movies (especially coming of age narratives), and hanging out with my family.


Research Interests

  • Media studies, youth studies, girlhood studies
    Popular culture: social media, music, film
    Gender and education
    Social lives of young people
    Social justice and anti-oppressive pedagogies
    Feminist, poststructural, and posthuman theories
    Post feminist contexts
    Qualitative inquiry


Source: Brock University 



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