Sylvie Laurent
Sylvie Laurent teaches American studies at Sciences Po in Paris and is the author of King and the Other America: The Poor People’s Campaign and the Quest for Economic Equality.
- Phd in American literature (University Paris IV-Sorbonne), « From the ‘Poor White’ to the ‘Poor White Trash’ in the American novel from 1920 », Advisor: Pierre-Yves Pétillon (Ecole normal supérieure) ; Jury : Michel Bandry, Jacques Pothier, François Weil, Monica Michlin. Very honorable.
Qualified for University Assistant professorship (Conseil national des universities, section 11);
- 2004 Graduate degree in American studies, Sciences-po (very honorable).
- 2003 Graduate degree (DEA) in Anglophone studies, University Paris IVSorbonne, (very honorable) (advisor: Pr. Sophie Body-Gendrot).
- 2002 Master degree in modern literature, University Paris IV-Sorbonne, (honorable).
- 1998 Agrégation in History.
- 1996 Master degree in modern History, University Paris IV-Sorbonne, (very honorable).
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