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The Bloody Flag: Mutiny in the Age of Atlantic Revolution Volume 30

The Bloody Flag: Mutiny in the Age of Atlantic Revolution Volume 30

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  • Niklas Frykman
  • University of California Press
  • Hardcover
  • 9780520355477
  • 9.1 X 6.2 X 1.1 inches
  • 1.3 pounds
  • History > Maritime History & Piracy
  • English
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Book Description

Mutiny tore like wildfire through the wooden warships of the age of revolution. While commoners across Europe laid siege to the nobility and enslaved workers put the torch to plantation islands, out on the oceans, naval seamen by the tens of thousands turned their guns on the quarterdeck and overthrew the absolute rule of captains. By the early 1800s, anywhere between one-third and one-half of all naval seamen serving in the North Atlantic had participated in at least one mutiny, many of them in several, and some even on ships in different navies. In The Bloody Flag, historian Niklas Frykman explores in vivid prose how a decade of violent conflict onboard gave birth to a distinct form of radical politics that brought together the egalitarian culture of North Atlantic maritime communities with the revolutionary era's constitutional republicanism. The attempt to build a radical maritime republic failed, but the red flag that flew from the masts of mutinous ships survived to become the most enduring global symbol of class struggle, economic justice, and republican liberty to this day.
The Bloody Flag: Mutiny in the Age of Atlantic Revolution Volume 30

Author Bio

I am a maritime historian interested in the role of the sea in the making of modern world, and in particular how conflicts over the control over maritime space shaped the history of capitalist globalization in the early modern period. If you want to learn more about my research, please see my Publications or take a look at some of the Projects I am currently working on.

I teach in the History Department at the University of Pittsburgh, where I offer courses on the history of capitalism, colonial North America, and the age of revolution. Please take a look at my Teaching page if you want to learn more.    


Research Interests 

Maritime history
Atlantic history
Age of Revolution



  • Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh (August 2010) History (Atlantic history, Early America, Slavery and abolition) 
  • MA University of Sussex (June 2003) History (pass with distinction) 
  • BA University of Sussex (June 2001) American Studies (first class honours) 
  • Propedeuse Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (June 199


Source: niklasfrykman.com





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