The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction
Book Summary
Sexless reproduction, once the talk of science fiction is likely to become a reality in the next three to four decades. With the advances in genetic and bioscience, prospective parents will be able to select from the hundreds or thousands the most favorable embryo and improve the genetic outcome of their children.
In an interview with Readara, Henry T. Greely reviews how far genetic science has advanced and where it is likely to head in the near future. Greely, a scientist and a law expert, offers a lucid overview of stem cell research and lays out a clear possibility that scientists are only one or two steps away from generating sperms or eggs from skin cells.
In the book, Greely attempts to glimpse in the near future and tackles not only the scientific advances but also looks at how they will be adopted, how society will adjust to parental choices and adapt to new definition of family.