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The Geography of Money

The Geography of Money

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  • Benjamin J Cohen
  • Cornell University Press
  • Hardcover
  • 9780801435133
  • 9.28 X 6.24 X 0.85 inches
  • 1.19 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Money & Monetary Policy
  • English
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Book Description

The traditional assumption holds that the territory of money coincides precisely with the political frontiers of each nation state: France has the franc, the United Kingdom has the pound, the United States has the dollar. But the disparity between that simple mental landscape and the actual organization of currency spaces has grown in recent years, as territorial boundaries of individual states limit currency circulation less and less. Many currencies are used outside their home country for transactions either between nations or within foreign states. In this book, Benjamin J. Cohen asks what this new geography of money reveals about financial and political power. Cohen shows how recent changes in the geography of money challenge state sovereignty. He examines the role of money and the scope of cross-border currency competition in today's world. Drawing on new work in geography and network theory to explain the new spatial organization of monetary relations, Cohen suggests that international relations, political as well as economic, are being dramatically reshaped by the increasing interpenetration of national monetary spaces. This process, he explains, generates tensions and insecurities as well as opportunities for cooperation.

The Geography of Money

Author Bio

Professor Cohen, a specialist in international political economy, joined the department in 1991. He previously taught at Princeton University from 1964-1971 and at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University from 1971-1991.  He retired from UCSB in 2021.

His publications have addressed issues of international monetary relations, U.S. foreign economic policy, currency integration, sovereign debt, theories of economic imperialism, and the history of the discipline of international political economy.  He is the author of sixteen books.  His newest book, Currency Statecraft: Monetary Rivalry and Geopolitical Ambition, was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2019.

Research Interests

  • International Relations, International Political Economy
  • Ph.D., Columbia University, 1963
  • Louis G. Lancaster Professor of International Political Economy (1991-2021)


Source: UC Santa Barbara Department of Political Science 



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