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This book, THE MARCH OF CHRISTIANITY, is the continuation of the book of ACTS! It begins with the Early Church in the book of ACTS Chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit came in 33AD and continues up to the current state of the Church. It includes how the Apostles were killed in the cruel fashion, the freedom of worship granted by Emperor Constantine in 315AD, History of the Catholic Church in 325AD, History of the Christian Holidays, History of the Bible from writing 1450BC-95AD, compiling in 331 and 382AD, to translating it 1382AD, 1525AD, 1545AD, 1611AD to the recent Versions of 1970s and 1980s! It includes the History of Islam from 570AD when Muhammad The Praised one was born up to 622 AD when Islam was launched in Medina, It includes the Protestant reformation in 1517AD after the reformers such as William Tyndale and Martin Luther read the Bible and discovered that the Catholic Church was not on the right course, Calvinism by John Calvin who shaped the reformation ideas in 1530, Methodism 1730s which was formed out of the Holy Club by the Wesley brothers, George Whitefield and Jonathan Edward who preached sinners in the hands of the Angry God, the Holy movement 1830s by Charles G Finney, The Welsh Revival 1904-1905, up to the AZUSA street Revival of 1906 which birthed the Pentecostal movement. It ends with Smith Wigglesworth, the product of the Pentecostal movement
The March of Christianity (2nd Edition): History of Christianity, the Christian Holidays and the Bible