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English summary: Anyone who wishes to manage their sources adequately must work with categories that help to bring order to the transcribed material. In many cases, such categories simultaneously shape the way in which we evaluate our sources. Critical reflection of the chosen categories is therefore crucial for robust historical study. This rings especially true when certain categories are not viewed through neutral eyes, but through polemically judgemental eyes. One extreme case would be the category of apocryphalness. In some areas, associations like fraudulent versus and secret - interlinked to this term in Antiquity - are still shaping the way Christian apocrypha are considered to this day. Closely associated with this is the use of the adjectival categories like (proto)-orthodox, majority church versus those like heretical (again polemically pejorative).In their chapters, the contributors demonstrate not only how the set limits - as referred to the categories above - do indeed play a role, but more importantly, where these limits have been exceeded and where we must therefore work with new and different categories to understand the meaning of apocryphal writings and/or writings that have become apocryphal in terms of the history of an ancient Christianity perceived as multi-dimensional and dynamic. The following questions play a significant role in our understanding of this: In which contexts and by which groups are newly apocryphal writings used? Where do apocryphal writings or those newly apocryphal play a contextual role that would, nowadays, be perceived as orthodox? Which functions are assign thereto? German description: Wer angemessen mit Quellen umgehen will, muss mit Kategorien arbeiten, welche helfen, Ordnung in das uberlieferte Material zu bringen. Gleichzeitig pragen solche Kategorien in vielen Fallen unsere Wertung von Quellen. Deswegen ist auch die kritische Reflexion der verwendeten Kategorien entscheidend fur verantwortliches historisches Arbeiten. Dies gilt besonders dann, wenn bestimmte Kategorien nicht neutral, sondern allzu haufig polemisch wertend verwendet werden. Ein extremer Fall ist die Verwendung der Kategorie apokryph. Die sich bereits in der Antike mit dieser Bezeichnung verbindenden Assoziationen von gefalscht einerseits und geheim andererseits pragen in manchen Bereichen bis heute den Umgang mit christlichen Apokryphen. Eng verbunden ist damit haufig die Verwendung der Kategorien (proto-)orthodox, mehrheitskirchlich einerseits und (erneut polemisch abwertend) haretisch andererseits.In den Beitragen des vorliegenden Bandes wird gezeigt, wo Grenzen, die in den oben diskutierten Kategorien gesetzt werden, tatsachlich eine Rolle spielen, vor allem aber, wo diese Grenzen uberschritten sind und wir deswegen mit neuen, anderen Kategorien arbeiten mussen, um die Bedeutung apokrypher bzw. apokryph gewordener Schriften fur die Geschichte eines vieldimensional und dynamisch verstandenen antiken Christentums zu verstehen.Folgende Fragen spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle: In welchen Kontexten und durch welche Gruppen werden apokryph gewordene Schriften verwendet? Wo spielen apokryphe bzw. apokryph gewordene Texte in Kontexten eine Rolle, die wir heute als orthodox bezeichnen wurden? Welche Funktionen kommen ihnen dabei zu?
The Other Side: Apocryphal Perspectives on Ancient Christian 'Orthodoxies'
Author Bio
My work primarily focuses on ideas about martyrdom, death, suffering, and afterlife in the New Testament and literature of Early Christianity. I have additional interests in disability theory and theology, religion and public life, the Bible and education, and cultural heritage.
I read theology as an undergraduate at Oxford, before moving to the United States to pursue post-graduate work in Biblical Studies at, first Yale Divinity School and, later, Yale Graduate School. In 2008, I moved to the University of Notre Dame to teach classes in the departments of Theology, Classics, and History before coming to Birmingham in 2017.
While my academic work is primarily historical, I work in the public sphere as s Papal news commentator for CBS news, a cultural commentator and columnist for The Daily Beast, and a religion news commentator and writer for CNN, BBC, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Discovery Channel, History Channel, and others. A great deal of my recent work has focused on the intersection of religion and politics and the influence of certain religious ideas on international relations, policy making, and education.
Research Interests
I am currently completing a book, based on the 2017 Cadbury Lectures, on Resurrection on the New Testament, Ancient Medicine, Disability, and Constructions of the Bodies.
Other ongoing projects include the Hermeneia Commentary on Second Century Martyrdom Accounts and a Bestiary of the Bible