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The Paradox of Politics: Why Christians Must Participate in Politics

The Paradox of Politics: Why Christians Must Participate in Politics

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  • Ssemugoma Evangelist Francisco
  • Independently Published
  • Paperback
  • 9798699862948
  • 9.02 X 5.98 X 0.05 inches
  • 0.11 pounds
  • Political Science > Political Process - Political Advocacy
  • English
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Book Description

During the Political campaigns, two kingdoms, that's to say the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the devil, fight for dominancy, however, often times, the kingdom of God is disappointed by the kingdom people known as Christians who claim that politics is a dirty game and thus participating in it corrupts some one's mind.The Christians argue that it is impossible to remain a Christian if one chooses to participate in Politics. Politicians are viewed as liars, manipulators and witchcraft practitioners, however, as Christians, God called us to rule. That's the sole purpose for the creation of man, dominion! Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. NIV.Moslems are wise, they position themselves in every elective office and surprisingly, they are voted for by the Christians and when they come into power, they pass policies which are in favor of their religion and then the Christians complain.The children of God must thus take their positions and redefine politics from being a dirty game to a clean game.
The Paradox of Politics: Why Christians Must Participate in Politics


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