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The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963

The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963

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  • Michael Swanson
  • Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Paperback
  • 9781484080764
  • 7.99 X 5.24 X 0.88 inches
  • 0.98 pounds
  • History > United States - 20th Century
  • English
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Book Description

Today when you factor in the interest on the national debt from past wars and total defense expenditures the United States spends almost 40% of its federal budget on the military. It accounts for over 46% of total world arms spending. Before World War II it spent almost nothing on defense and hardly anyone paid any income taxes. You can't have big wars without big government. Such big expenditures are now threatening to harm the national economy. How did this situation come to be?

In this book you'll learn how in the critical twenty years after World War II the United States changed from being a continental democratic republic to a global imperial superpower. Since then nothing has ever been the same again. In this book you will discover this secret history of the United States that formed the basis of the world we live in today.

By buying this book you will discover:

- How the end of European colonialism created a power vacuum that the United States used to create a new type of world empire backed by the most powerful military force in human history.

- Why the Central Intelligence Agency was created and used to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations when the United States Constitution had no mechanism for such imperial activities.

- How national security bureaucrats got President Harry Truman to approve of a new wild budget busting arms race after World War II that is still going on to this day.

- Why President Eisenhower really gave his famous warning against the military-industrial complex.

- Why during the Kennedy administration the nuclear arms race almost led to the end of the world during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

- How President Kennedy tried to deal with what had grown into a permanent government of power elite national security bureaucrats in the executive branch of the federal government that had become more powerful than the individual president himself.

In this book you will discover this secret history of the United States that formed the basis of the world we live in today.

The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963

Author Bio

Michael Swanson writes about American history, financial markets, and global investment trends. He received his Masters Degree in Arts from the University of Virginia in 1998. 

He is founder and chief editor of WallStreetWindow.com. 


Source: Createspace Independent Publishing  






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