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Imagine never having to declutter or tidy up your house again as long as you live Best-selling author, Jerry Minchey shows you how to quickly and easily declutter your entire home once-and-for-all. The secret to making it happen is to abandon the conventional wisdom techniques that don't work. Jerry's brutally honest descriptions of tidying techniques described in this book will answer your most pressing questions as well as answer questions you probably never even thought to ask. No stone is left unturned (and a lot of them are discarded with the other junk in your house). This book reveals:
How to always have a tidy house and never have to tidy up again as long as you live
Why conventional wisdom techniques about tidying don't work
How to make decluttering a once-in-a-lifetime event-guaranteed
How to discard sentimental items without feeling guilty
How to keep the memories and not the stuff
How to discard gifts and other people's stuff
Why you should discard everything that doesn't inspire joy-even if it's a spouse
The stress-free way to get other members of your family to tidy up
Why tidying is easy. It's because you're dealing with objects, not people and objects don't have opinions Best of all, you'll learn how making your home and life tidy and decluttered really can be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Just follow the easy steps described in this book one time and you can have a tidy, stress-free home and a clear, relaxed mind forever. It's almost like magic. That's why the subtitle of this book is . . . The Magic and Secrets of Decluttering Your Home and Your Life. For a real behind-the-scenes look at the easiest and most enjoyable way to tidy up your home once and for all, add Tidying Up to your must-read list.
Tidying Up: The Magic and Secrets of Decluttering Your Home and Your Life