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Toxic Aid: Economic Collapse and Recovery in Tanzania

Toxic Aid: Economic Collapse and Recovery in Tanzania

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  • Sebastian Edwards
  • Oxford University Press, USA
  • Paperback
  • 9780198825524
  • 8.4 X 5.4 X 1 inches
  • 0.8 pounds
  • Business & Economics > Development - Economic Development
  • English
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Book Description

For many years Tanzania was the darling of international aid agencies. During the 1970s it received more assistance per capita than any other nation in the world. And yet, the economy performed dismally: growth was negative, exports collapsed, and poverty increased massively. In the mid-1980s, however, the international community changed tack and developed an approach based on conditionality and program ownership. Since 1996 the country has grown steadily, and social conditions have improved significantly. This book provides an economic history of Tanzania since independence in 1961. It covers the policies of African Socialism and the Arusha Declaration, the collapse of the early 1980s, the rocky relationships with the IMF, and the reforms of the 1990s and 2000s. This book shows that the relationship between foreign aid economic is highly complex, and that the effect of foreign assistance on poor countries performance depends on historical circumstances, ownership of programs, and the involvement of the local communities.
Toxic Aid: Economic Collapse and Recovery in Tanzania

Author Bio

Sebastian Edwards is the Henry Ford II Professor of International Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the Co-Director of the National Bureau of Economic Research's "Africa Project" and previously served as the Chief Economist for Latin America at the World Bank. 

His research interests include emerging markets, currency crises, capital markets, Latin America, monetary policy, and the Federal Reserve.


  • University of Chicago Ph.D. (Economics), 1981
  • University of Chicago M.A. (Economics), 1978
  • Universidad Catolica, Chile, Licenciado Economia, 1975, Ingeniero Comercial, 1975 



Source: Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA



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