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Twin Tales from Kutcch: A family saga set in Colonial India

Twin Tales from Kutcch: A family saga set in Colonial India

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  • Saeed Ibrahim
  • Notion Press
  • Paperback
  • 9781684668205
  • 7.99 X 5 X 0.48 inches
  • 0.51 pounds
  • Literary Criticism > General
  • English
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Book Description

Twin Tales from Kutcch is a period fiction with a strong ethnic flavour set in the colonial era in India. It is the poignant story of two remarkable women, orphaned at a tender age by the tragic loss of both parents. Had they not been separated by a large age gap, they may well have been twins, so uncanny are the parallels in their young lives. Yet the two are separated by the force of circumstances and they grapple with their loss each in their own way as their lives play out side-by-side, unknown to each other. The new century dawns and sweeping changes take place in their personal lives as well as on the national stage with the steady march towards independence. Will their paths cross again?Through a compelling and immersive narrative the book offers a fine blend of nostalgia, historical detail, ethnic traditions and family lore and at the same time touching on subjects such as the status of women, communal co-existence and the plurality of religious traditions and cultures, issues so relevant even today.
Twin Tales from Kutcch: A family saga set in Colonial India

Author Bio

Bangalore based writer, Saeed Ibrahim, is the author of “Twin Tales from Kutcch,” a family saga set in Colonial India, which has won critical acclaim both in India and overseas since its publication last year. Saeed was born and brought up in Mumbai and was educated at St. Mary’s High School and St.Xavier’s College and later, at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris. He has had a long and eventful working career in India, the UK and France spanning marketing, advertising, airline and travel industries. Today he works part time as an independent consultant and devotes his spare time to writing.

Although Saeed has been writing on and off ever since his school and college days (he was editor of his school newspaper and contributed regularly to his college magazine); his actual journey as a writer started with the publication of his first book "Twin Tales from Kutcch". His second book, a collection of short stories with illustrations by Indo-French artist, Danesh Bharucha, is on the anvil. His other writings include newspaper articles, some travel writing, several book reviews and two essays for the Museum of Material Memory, a digital repository of stories linked to objects of material culture.

Saeed is also a French language specialist having studied at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris. In his spare time he has taught French to students at IFLAC - Institute of Foreign Language and Culture. His other interests include Theatre, Music, Cinema, Impressionist Paintings, Travel & Travel Photography, Heritage & Heirlooms.



Source: saeedibrahim.com



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