Whitney Cranshaw
Whitney Cranshaw is emeritus professor of entomology at the College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Colorado.
During his 37 year career at Colorado State he pursued a broad based research program largely related to Integrated Pest Management of all arthropods affecting horticultural commodities in Colorado, particularly vegetables, shade trees, turfgrass and specialty crops. In retirement he plans to continue to work on entomology related projects of all sorts, related to things that most interest him These include, but are by no means limited to, biological control of Japanese beetle, pin oak kermes/drippy blight, and hemp entomology.
For the near future he also will be maintaining listserv discussion groups (ornaent, pesterv-l) websites (Insect Information Website, Hemp Insect Website) and Extension fact sheets related to entomology. He will be open to continue doing programs. For the most part he is planning to work on various long delayed writing projects including publications related to regional household insects, hemp insects and their management, and (ultimately), with Boris Kondratieff, a review of all the insects of Colorado.
- Education
- B.A. (1976) Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts
M.S. (1979) University of Minnesota (Entomology)
Thesis title - "Contributions to potato pest management in the Red River Valley"
Ph.D. (1981) University of Minnesota (Entomology; minors in Horticulture, Plant Pathology)
Dissertation title - "Integrated control of insect contaminants of processed peas"
Source: Colorado State University
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