Marisella Veiga
Marisella Veiga writes in various genres and teaches writing as well as Cuban home cooking. Her first book is We Carry Our Homes with Us: a Cuban American Memoir (Minnesota Historical Society Press 2016). Other nonfiction includes Cuban Rice Classics (Rubber Tree Press), her work as a syndicated columnist for Hispanic Link News Service, and more than 150 articles in commercial magazines and newspapers, including the Washington Post, Art In America, Poets&Writers. She was awarded an Evelyn LaPierre Award in Journalism for a feature story.
Her short fiction has been widely anthologized, most recently in Sudden Fiction Latino: Short Short Stories from the United States and Latin America. She won a Canute J. Brodhurst Prize for best short story and a Special Mention in Fiction by the Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses. Her poetry has appeared in more than 15 literary magazines.
Veiga has worked as a literary and commercial translator, bringing Spanish language writings into American English. In addition, Veiga has written an encyclopedia entry on Cuban food in America. She was featured as a traditional home cook at the Florida Folk Festival in 2015 and teaches children and adults at various cultural and community centers.
Source: St. Johns Cultural Council
Books by Author